The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance, live music and storytelling.
——柯林斯例句I am not very fond of folk dance.
——《简明英汉词典》Shanxi folk songs, folk dance, folklore, crafts and so has a unique charm.
山西民歌 、 民谣舞蹈 、 民间传说 、 民间工艺等具有独特的魅力.
——期刊摘选Moldova's folk dance passionate, poetic, slightly melancholy, and fully reflects the character of this nation.
摩尔多瓦的民族舞蹈热情奔放, 富有诗意, 又略显忧郁, 充分体现了这个民族的性格.
——期刊摘选People like to watch performances of this unique folk dance.
——期刊摘选Disco is a kind of folk dance originating from American blacks and Mexicans.
——期刊摘选They are doing yangge, a kind of folk dance in China.
——期刊摘选Yeah . they are doing yangge, a kind of folk dance in China.
他们在扭秧歌, 秧歌是中国的一种民间舞蹈.
——期刊摘选Chinese National Culture lessons: Chinese Wushu, folk dance, Chinese Handwriting , Chinese Orchestra, folk handcraft.
第二类课程为民族特色课: 中国武术 、 间舞蹈 、 国书法、弦乐队 、 间手工制作,从以上课程中选出挑选出几门穿插在夏令营中.
——期刊摘选As a variety of art, folk dance should keep up with the times and innovate constantly.
民族民间舞作为一种艺术, 要与时俱进,要在继承中发展,要在发展中不断创新.
——期刊摘选They are practicing Yangge, a Chinese folk dance.
她们在跳秧歌, 一种传统的中国舞蹈.
——期刊摘选Photo shows students of famous dancer Ailian giving folk dance performances in Beijing.
——期刊摘选We topped off the performance with a folk dance.
——期刊摘选This year saw a new event the traditional Yangko folk dance.
——期刊摘选Description : 2 nd graders of FDPS performed folk dance at the 2001 Sports Show.
——期刊摘选Dongba culture, Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources.
非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化 、 纳西古乐和民间歌舞.
——期刊摘选The primary task for the troupe is to preserve and spread Argentine folk dance and music.
——期刊摘选Lion is a financial dance, martial arts, music, etc. as one of the folk dance.
醒狮是融舞蹈 、 武术 、 音乐等为一体的民间舞蹈.
——期刊摘选Folk dance have a good reputation both at home and abroad.
——期刊摘选Improvisation is one of the important characteristics and the soul of minority folk dance.
——期刊摘选It's a kind of Chinese folk dance, called the fan dance.
这是一种中国民间舞蹈, 名叫扇子舞.
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